Online Students' Portal

Announcements & Notifications!

Financial Aid (Student Loan Trust Fund)

The Students Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) was established in December 2005 under the Trustee Incorporation Act 1962, Act 820.

The objectives of the Trust Fund are to provide financial resources for the sound management of the Trust for the benefit of students and to help promote and facilitate the national ideals enshrined in Article 28 and 38 of the 1992 Constitution.

Students who want to apply for financial aid should visit the following links to know more about the Trust Fund and its application process;


Helplines (Working hours 08:00 - 18:00)
  • Main UCC Accounts office : 0508118646
  • Fees enquiries (CoDe Students only) call:
    033-2092-044 / 033-2092-050
  • System support call MIS office on: 054-5802-062 or 0545801203
  • System support Whatsapp Only MIS office on: 0244080587